Monday, June 25, 2007

The usual 20-Something

Recenty- oh wait, that's a lie- since I've graduated with my bachelor's (there ya go) I've been feeling like I should be, I dunno, doing something. Before I graduated, I wasn't sure of what I wanted so traveling seemed like a good enough option and since I was going somewhere, I might as well get a second degree while I'm there.
So I'm in Australia, with a BA in Journalism and a minor in Marketing whilst completing a MA in Professional Communications/ Public Relations. I've bought a camara and have started writing a lot more about my life but what I've noticed is that there isn't much to be said. Being a "professional communicator" means that I should be able to talk to anyone about anything and that I should be a wonderful conversationalist and people-person. I think I'm starting to see that... I am.

Nothing to Write Home About

The song featured on this video is Pretty Little Thing by Fink.

Last night at work (I'm a waitress) a guy at one of my tables invited me to a wedding as his date. The staff at the restaurant I work at all wear nametags, it creates a sense of affinity with the customers.

"So Porscha, wait, can I call you Porsch?" he started.

"Sure," I smiled, pouring glasses of their fourth bottle of Alkoomi Shiraz, (an absolutely gorgeous West Australian wine).

"Well, Porsch, I just got invited to a wedding and I need a date."

"Mmm hmmm," I looked up calmly. The thing is, I'm almost kind of used to these types of conversations. Being a waitress prepares you for life's awkward moments.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me," he said this so casually that I'm pretty sure he didn't much care one way or the other. I mean, you can't care all that much if you're inviting your waitress to your friend's wedding.

"It's just that" he continued, "I have to have a date, and you seem like a pretty cool girl. Do you wanna come?"

"Uuuuhhh... Sure. Why not?" Wait, what?! What did I just say? I totally surprised myself and everyone at the table. I shrugged my shoulders, wrote down my phone number and asked about the wedding colours.

The friend whose wedding I would be attending had just joined the guys for drinks and was absolutely ecstatic to have me as a wedding guest.
"I want there to be no black at my wedding. Everyone must wear light, bright colours. The wedding colours are yellow and gold."

"Ummm, okay," I said, mentally scanning my wardrobe. Nope, nuthin' there. Well, at least I have two months to come up with something.

So I'm going to a wedding of some people I don't know with a guy I don't know as my date. It should be pretty interesting. That guy is going to call me soon, which is fine. We should have a few chats before we get all shined up together. I'm excited. Expect an update.

Perhaps traveling and talking to strangers and everything has been about stretching my comfort zone. For two years of my Bachelor degree, I had an amazingly artistic roommate who could visualise beauty and art in everything. I remember being so in love with her and her insights, just pure admiration, ya know? Anyway, when things like this happen, I kinda give her a little credit.

Now... what am I gonna wear?

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